Monday, April 02, 2012

Somewhat less historic sites: Jordan

One of the things I love about traveling to somewhat exotic locations is to see things that are a part of the common life of the locals, but unusual and interesting to me. A few people have mentioned to me how much they enjoying seeing these too, so I’m putting together two posts on some less than historic sites. We start with Jordan.
Some of you will never have seen one of these.

 Yes, they have bees too.
 These guys like to bling out there trucks.
 We saw literally hundreds of these trucks hauling great looking fresh fruits and vegetables.
 Standard Sandalow shot of dead critter outside butcher.
 They had good food.
 This woman is possibly the hottest Queen on the planet.
 Bedowin tents: note the satellite dishes.
 Eagle over Jordan
 Boys in a small town having a snowball fight after an overnight snowfall. Yes, we had a couple thrown at us. They missed.
 On the way into Petra
 Jordanian tourist police in historic uniforms
 Once again, Turtle Man at Petra.
 The coolest bathroom in the world
 I would have brought him home, but the best I could do was give him a good meal.