Saturday, July 16, 2005

Well, I’m back in Antalya waiting for the team to arrive. They are probably tired and board, waiting for a flight in the Istanbul airport.

A few pictures and thoughts from the last two days. I drove about 250k up to a town called Yalvac, which is where the ancient city of Pisidian Antioch. I stayed here on the way, Lake Egrıder.

This is a gate where Paul and Barnabas would have entered the city on their first missionary journey. I got some good pictures. You’ll see them later.

There is also a good museum in town, with finds from the site.

I happened to be in town during Friday prayers at the mosque.
Impressive to see the devotion in these people.

I made a few new friends in a place I stopped to eat. They spoke no English and my three Turkish words didn’t get us very far, but they were very friendly. Typical Turkish folks.

By the way, there was a bus bombing today in Turkey. It was 300 miles from here and no where near any of our folks.