Monday, February 15, 2010

Oxford & Normandy

Since I got all my shooting at the British Museum accomplished, I had Sunday morning free. So, I went on a pilgrimage--to Oxford. Specifically, to a pub. Let me explain.

Two of my favorite writers are JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis. For the many years they taught at Oxford schools, the met for lunch at a local pub called the Eagle and the Child, in a back room called the "Rabbit Room."

So, I had lunch in the Rabbit room, sitting in the same space where these men talked about their writings and their faith for many years. Not a life changing event for me, but wonderful to be surrounded by the ghosts of such influential Christians.

I'd like to go back to Oxford when I have more time.
We took an bus to the coast and an overnight ferry to Caen, France. A bus to Bayeux and a rental car got us to an amazing place Mont St Michelle. It is even nore amazing in person than all the pictures you have seen of it.

Can you guess what this is?
BTW, I thought England was expensive. See this cup of coffee:


I'll ask the price before I buy the next cup. Tomorrow we get a tour of D-Day sites and take a late train to Paris. Bonsoir.