Saturday, March 15, 2014

Another Great City-Cordoba

A long days and a late night, so I'll make this quick. Another amazing city: Cordoba. A Roman city, expanded by Moslem rulers who built an amazing mosque - larger inside than a football field. When Christians re-took the city, they left the mosque mostly intact, but built a church literally inside the mosque.

The narrow streets on the old city.
The only remaining Jewish synagogue. The city had many and a large Jewish population until they were expelled in 1492.
Note the upper chamber for women and children.

The couyrtyard outside the mosque. The bell tower was originally the minaret of the mosque. 

Various pictures from inside the mosque. I posted too many, but it was amazing. It is much darker inside than these pictures might indicate, but the Canon 60D is amazing in low light.

The church altar.
OK, I'm thinking of redoing the pulpit at EBurg Pres. What do you think?

St Paul with the Sword of Scripture

This is the niche oriented towards Mecca when the Qu'ran was read.
This bridge remains from Roman times. Only the top is re-built.

OK, bonus question. This was shot from the bus. Any guesses what it is.
Thanks for reading. Barcelona tomorrow...the part of the tour I have little interest in.